Atomium, Brussel, Belgia

Atomium tempat wisata terkenal di Brussels Belgia
Atomium is an iconic building that became one of the icons and landmarks of Brussels, Belgium. This unique buildings were originally built in the framework of the World Exhibition in 1958 in Brussels and shaped like an iron crystal molecule magnified up to 165 billion times. Atomium consists of 9 rooms round as atom-plated stainless steel and connected by pipes. Each atom (circle) has a diameter of 18 m and there are 5 atoms that can be visited as a space exhibition and public spaces. Between atoms are connected by elevators and escalators. In atomium there are also two restaurants, which one is in the top part of atoms and 1 more in the terrace at the foot of the building atomium, along with a gift shop. Atomium itself has a height of 102 m and you can see the panorama of the city brussel of atoms on top.

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