
Pantheon is a temple relic Rimawi empire which at present has been converted to the Roman Catholic Church. The building is situated on the edge of the central square of Rome or the Piazza della Rotonda, near the Piazza Novona. The distinctive feature of this building is high pillars patio section, which later on today many inspiring than the design for buildings such as libraries, universities, government buildings, and so forth.
Pantheon is designed around the year 27 BC as a temple. The construction itself was completed in out 126 AD, during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. As the original destination, Pantheon is a temple that serves to worship the Roman gods. However, the fire occurrence in the year 80 AD and leaving the building foremast (Portico or front porch). Later, Emperor Hadrian improve it and add parts Rotunda, a circular building, on the inside of the Pantheon. Then, since the year 609 AD, the Pantheon was converted to a church until about 1885 AD In addition, Pantheon is also used as a place to bury the Italian national heroes such as King Emmanuel I and Raphael, the Renaissance painter.

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