Castel Sant’ Angelo

Castel Sant 'Angelo is an ancient building which actually is a cylindrical-shaped castle. Castel Sant 'Angelo also known as Spot Hadrian, because when the Roman emperor died in 138 AD, his body was buried in this place. Not only Kaisan Hadrian, another Roman emperors then also buried here. Castel Sant 'Angelo is located on the edge of the right side of the river Tiber and is connected to the entire city via the Ponte Sant' Angelo (Bridge of Hadrian), in which the original building of this bridge was built in around the 17th century. Along the Hadrian bridge decorated by various marble statues are seen as the embodiment of angels in various poses. Being one of the main attraction when you want to go to Castel Sant 'Angelo.
Castel Sant 'Angelo can be regarded as a building that has multifunctional. Because, in addition to be used as a meal Roman Emperor, the building is also several times the switching function as a fortress, military barracks, prisons, home to whales, part of the city wall, until the last one as well as a function until now is as a national museum. The building is located at Lungotevere Castello can you visit every day with opening hours from 09:00 am local time.

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