Trevi Fountain

As the name suggests, one of the attractions of this fountain is located in Trevi, Rome. Compared with other fountains throughout Italy, Trevi fountain Fountain is the largest and most famous in the world. Style Baroque fountain has a height of 26.3 meters da width of 49.5 meters. Built in 1732 AD by order of Pope Clement XII and designed by Nicola Salvi. Trevi Fountain adorned with many sculptures told of "Taming of the Waters", someone who tamed the water.
In the middle of the Trevi Fountain bagiah a statue depicting Poseidon or Neptune, the god of the sea, halfway up the chariot drawn by two male sea horse-shaped monsters, while kemudianya held by Triton, the god tailless dolphin. Described how the expression of the horse; there were quiet and there were restless, in which it describes the state of the sea is also changing. Then on the left side there is a relief sculpture of Neptune abudance symbolizing prosperity, was pouring water from a jug. On the right side there Salubrity; the epitome of health, is holding the water drunk by a snake. The purpose of the story is to illustrate the story of the construction of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct, along with one of the builders that Agrippa.
Besides admired by the magnificent design, the Trevi Fountain is also famous by its myth; the myth throw a coin into the pond. That said, anyone who throws a coin believed to be going back to visit this city someday. So, crowd-traveler bondonglah perform this ritual with the rules; thrower must backs the fountain. Every day, there are about 3000 Euro diperkiranan collected in the pond. However, the coins were not arbitrarily go unpunished melainka collected for later use as a subsidy to the poor as well as those ang need. Indirectly, perform this ritual, you're also at the same charity.

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